

本年度公司活動選擇了在8月底進行游河派對﹐地點是西貢南風灣。當日的天氣陽光普照之餘也有陣陣微風﹐實在最合適一行人出海玩樂。 早上我們一眾精神奕奕在西貢碼頭集合等待出發。船隻抵達目的...

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is one of the best tertiary education institution in the world....

Extron Electronics is pleased to introduce the FOXBOX SR HDMI, a high performance fiber optic-to-HDM...

Extron Electronics is pleased to introduce two, newly-designed 7-inch touchpanels. The TLP 710MV and...

Panasonic Interactive Whiteboard (UB-T880) is both finger-touch and Electronic Pen compatible, which...