
TeamMate lecterns at Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel & Tourism Management...


開工大吉。值此新春佳節,祝各位財源龍滾來,好運發龍財!大吉大利,身體健康! Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a hap...


Wish you prosperity and wealth. Happy lunar new year!...

於二零二三年十二月十八日,公司在聖誕節前夕舉辦聯歡聚餐,這場聚餐提供豐盛的自助午餐,讓每個人都能盡情享用美食。 各部門的同事都有參加聚會,共同慶祝聖誕佳節,共度美好時光。 ...

Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!...

A striking large LED Wall and professional loudspeakers have been installed in the main lobby of...