
BAP was appointed as the audiovisual contractor for audiovisual work in boardroom and meeting ro...

Bringing in a touch of French glamour to China, The Parisian Macao, Sands China’s newest gaming ...

公司為慶祝普世歡騰的聖誕節,於二零一六年十二月二十一日在公司舉辦聖誕聯歡聚餐,眾多同事參與此聚會,共渡一個充滿歡笑聲的午餐。 這次聚餐除了大食會環節之外,公司還準備多份禮物供員工抽...

CE Pro 100 Survey reveals the brands used most by the industry’s top 100 residential integrator...

System - Audio Matrix with DSP & network capability - 75” Dual Display AV solut...

BAP榮獲由政府諮詢組織家庭議會(家庭議會)舉辦的家庭友善僱主計劃中頒發多個獎項。 BAP一向視員工為公司最重要的資產,貫徹「以人為本」精神,致力制定及實行家庭友善政策,務求提升員...