
Project – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | School of Hotel & Tourism Management (SHTM) | TeamMate Lectern for Teaching Venue

TeamMate lecterns at Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel & Tourism Management are designed to accommodate the needs of flexible teaching venue while focusing on durability and versatility.

TeamMate Educator Single Teaching Lectern, user can control all the audio-visual components of their presentations from a single, easy-to-use interface.  Extron products provide an optimal solution for each audio and visual connectivity option.  This ensures that user can easily connect their devices to the AV systems, enabling them to deliver their presentations without any technical difficulties.

These products are future-proofing technology investments that can greatly facilitate teaching environment and increase operational flexibility.  Incorporating the latest technology and design principles, it helps delivering high-quality education as technology evolves for both educators and students.

Please contact us for more information: (852) 2571 8289 or [email protected]